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Flu shots and infants

Writer's picture: Azura Goodman Azura Goodman

It’s almost time for flu season 🦠 😕

Did you know that there is a flu shot 💉 for tiny babes? It’s a great way to 💪🏼 bolster their brand new immune system.

If you’re pregnant 🤰 baby gets some passive immunity from YOU getting a flu shot while they’re 👶🏼 on board. How cool!?!!! This soon runs out though, so it’s a good idea to get them a flu shot from the time they are 6 months, each flu season.

The most comforting 💕 thing you can do is feed 🤱🏻 your baby during or right after the shot. Having them do something they find comfort in and that is so sensory provides a distraction 😎and helps soothe their nervous system. This helps them regulate after being pricked. During the vaccine they aren’t sure what’s happening 😦, it’s all super new—so it’s nice to be physically tethered to their secure base (you)👩‍👦while in this scary💉 (only for a second—they’ll very soon forget) new, uncomfortable situation 😓

Ask the nurse, NP, or MD to administer the 💉 as you are feeding (breast/chest or bottle) baby. Your healthcare practitioner will likely have no problem with this at all, but they might not bring it up themselves.



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